重组蛋白质是形成DNA的基因的新组合。重组DNA技术允许大量生产野生型和修饰的人类和哺乳动物蛋白质。重组蛋白由克隆的DNA序列制成,这些序列通常编码具有已知功能的酶或蛋白质。 天然蛋白质存在干哺乳动物结缔组织中的胶原蛋白和血浆蛋自中的纤维蛋白材料。指直接从未经过人工合成或提取的蛋白质
货号 产品名称 规格 价格 指令
pro-2357 Recombinant Human IgE Receptor Subunit A 10µg $50 +
pro-2358 Recombinant Human CD34 Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2359 Recombinant Human A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase Domain 10, Sf9 1µg $50 +
pro-236 Recombinant Human Proopiomelanocortin 2µg $50 +
pro-2360 Recombinant Human CD16a, Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2361 Recombinant Human CD46 Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2362 Recombinant Mouse Retinoic Acid Early Transcript 1E 2µg $50 +
pro-2363 Recombinant Mouse CD200 Receptor 1 2µg $50 +
pro-2364 Recombinant Human Tumor-Associated Calcium Signal Transducer 2 Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2365 Recombinant Mouse Natural Cytotoxicity Receptor NKp46 1µg $50 +
pro-2366 Recombinant Mouse Serpin Peptidase Inhibitor, Clade A Member 9 1µg $50 +
pro-2367 Recombinant Human Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2368 Recombinant Human Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 4, Sf9 1µg $50 +
pro-2369 Recombinant Mouse R-Spondin-1 2µg $50 +
pro-237 Recombinant Mouse S100 Calcium Binding Protein A1 5µg $50 +
pro-2370 Recombinant Mouse S100 Calcium Binding Protein B 5µg $50 +
pro-2371 Recombinant Human CD226 Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2372 Recombinant Human Microfibrillar-associated Protein 4, Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2373 Recombinant Human Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor 1, Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2374 Recombinant Human Neurotensin, Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2375 Recombinant Human CD68, Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2376 Recombinant Mouse Fc Fragment Of IgG Receptor And Transporter 2µg $50 +
pro-2378 Recombinant Human UL16 Binding Protein 2, Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2379 Recombinant Human EPH Receptor B2 2µg $50 +
pro-238 Recombinant Human Thioredoxin-Like 4B 2µg $50 +
pro-2380 Recombinant Mouse Inositol Monophosphatase Domain Containing 1 Bioactive 2µg $50 +
pro-2381 Recombinant Human Ephrin- B3 Sf9 2µg $50 +
pro-2382 Recombinant Human Retinoic Acid Receptor Responder 2, Sf9 1µg $50 +
pro-2383 Recombinant Human TAR DNA Binding Protein, (1-414 a.a.) 1µg $50 +
pro-2384 Recombinant Human Cadherin 5 2µg $50 +
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