货号 产品名称 规格 价格 指令
abx263401 Regulator Of G Protein Signaling 2 (RGS2) Protein 1 µg $188.5 +
abx263402 Breast Cancer Metastasis Suppressor 1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263403 Sorbin And SH3 Domain Containing 3 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263404 Selectin P Ligand Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263405 RAD51D (1-328 a.a.) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263406 Cartilage Associated Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263407 CDKN2A Interacting Protein N-Terminal Like Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263408 Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 46 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263409 Basic Leucine Zipper Transcription Factor ATF-Like 3 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263410 Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 69 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263411 Spindle And Kinetochore Associated Complex Subunit 1 (SKA1) Protein 1 µg $188.5 +
abx263412 Ras Homolog Family Member D (RHOD) Protein 1 µg $188.5 +
abx263413 Suppressor Of IKBKE 1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263414 SCP2 sterol-binding domain containing 1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263415 Kidney Associated Antigen 1 Protein 1 µg $188.5 +
abx263416 GDP Dissociation Inhibitor 2 (GDI2) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263417 Cytohesin 3 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263418 Negative Elongation Factor Complex Member E Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263419 Canopy FGF Signaling Regulator 4 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263420 Nuclear Apoptosis Inducing Factor 1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263421 PBX / Knotted 1 Homeobox 1 Protein 1 µg $188.5 +
abx263422 Exosome Component 3 Protein 1 µg $188.5 +
abx263423 Exosome Component 1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263424 SSX Family Member 2 (SSX2) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263425 Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I F (HLA-F) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263426 RNA 3'-Terminal Phosphate Cyclase (RTCA) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263427 Oxidoreductase-Like Domain Containing 1 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263428 POP7 Homolog, Ribonuclease P/MRP Subunit (POP7) Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263429 SERTA Domain Containing 2 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
abx263430 B9 Protein Domain 2 Protein 2 µg $188.5 +
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