货号 产品名称 规格 价格 指令
abx097618 hsa-mir-10a* Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097619 hsa-mir-15a Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097620 hsa-mir-15b Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097621 hsa-mir-15b-3p Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097622 hsa-mir-16 Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097623 hsa-mir-17-3p Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097624 hsa-mir-17-5p Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097625 hsa-mir-18a Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097626 hsa-mir-18b Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097627 hsa-mir-19a Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097628 hsa-mir-19b Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097629 hsa-mir-20a Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097630 hsa-mir-20b Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097631 hsa-mir-21 Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097632 hsa-mir-22 Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097633 hsa-mir-23a Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097634 hsa-mir-23b Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097635 hsa-mir-24-3p Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097636 hsa-mir-25 Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097637 hsa-mir-26a Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097638 hsa-mir-26b Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097639 hsa-mir-27a Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097640 hsa-mir-27b Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097641 hsa-mir-28-5p Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097642 hsa-mir-29a Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097643 hsa-mir-29b Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097644 hsa-mir-29c Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097645 hsa-mir-30a Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097646 hsa-mir-30a-5p Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
abx097647 hsa-mir-30b Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and cel-mir-39-3p Calibration Kit 50 rxns $493 +
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