货号 产品名称 规格 价格 指令
abx261237 TIMM8A Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261238 动力激活蛋白 2 (1-406 a.a.) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261239 Lumicanican Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261240 Cell Cycle Exit And Neuronal Differentiation 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261241 Centromere Protein-U Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261242 Natural Cytotoxicity Triggering Receptor 2 (NCR2) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261243 Poly(A) Binding Protein, Nuclear 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261244 WAP Four-Disulfide Core Domain 12 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261245 Protein LZIC (LZIC) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261246 RAD51D Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261247 X-Ray Repair Cross Complementing Protein 2 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261248 CDC28 Protein Kinase Regulatory Subunit 1B Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261249 Protein BRICK1 (BRK1) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261250 Interferon-Induced GTP-Binding Protein Mx2 (MX2) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261251 Lymphocyte Antigen 6 Complex Locus D (LY6D) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261252 Synthase Transporting Mitochondrial Fo Complex B1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261253 Parkinson Disease Protein 2 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261254 T-Cell Surface Glycoprotein CD8 Beta Chain (CD8B) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261255 Protocadherin gamma Subfamily C 4 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261256 Retinaldehyde Binding Protein 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261257 Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1 (214-334 a.a.) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261258 Minichromosome Maintenance Deficient 7 (MCM7) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261259 PDZ And LIM Domain 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261260 Methylmalonic Aciduria cblD type, with Homocystinuria Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261261 Guanine Nucleotide Binding Protein gamma 11 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261262 Neurexophilin 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261263 Complement Factor B (26-259 a.a.) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261264 TGFB-Induced Factor Homeobox 2-Like, Y-Linked Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261265 Golgi To ER Traffic Protein 4 Homolog (GET4) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261266 Hemopexin Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
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