货号 产品名称 规格 价格 指令
abx261328 RAN Binding Protein 3 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261329 Ubiquitin-Like-Conjugating Enzyme ATG3 (ATG3) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261330 THAP Domain Containing, Apoptosis Associated Protein 7 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261331 Eukaryotic Translation Elongation Factor 1 epsilon 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261332 DEAD Box Protein 39A Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261333 STE20-Related Kinase Adaptor alpha Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261334 Human RNA Polymerase II Subunit C (POLR2C) Peptide 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261335 Aspartate beta Hydroxylase Domain Containing 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261336 Abhydrolase Domain Containing 12B (ABHD12B) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261337 LIM Homeobox Transcription Factor 1, beta Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261338 Surfactant Protein D Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261339 LanC Lantibiotic synthetase Component C-Like 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261340 GTP Cyclohydrolase I Feedback Regulator Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261341 V-Ets Erythroblastosis Virus E26 Oncogene Homolog 2 (Avian) (ETS2) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261342 Smad Nuclear Interacting Protein 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261343 SH3 And Cysteine Rich Domain (STAC) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261344 Properdin (CFP) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261345 Signal-Regulatory Protein gamma Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261346 Quinone Oxidoreductase (CRYZ) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261347 Exosome Component 7 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261348 Programmed Cell Death 1 Ligand 2 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261349 Serpin Peptidase Inhibitor, Clade B Member 5 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261350 POM121 And ZP3 Fusion Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261351 NudE Neurodevelopment Protein 1 (NDE1) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261352 Eukaryotic Translation Elongation Factor 1 gamma Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261353 Serpin Peptidase Inhibitor, Clade D Member 1 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261354 COMM Domain Containing 6 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261355 Syntaxin Binding Protein 6 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261356 Ankyrin Repeat And SOCS Box Containing 13 Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
abx261357 Odd-Skipped Related Transciption Factor 2 (OSR2) Protein 5 µg $188.5 +
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